Leadership Programs

Put your skills to work! You've been learning leadership skills throughout your career. Now you're ready to fine-tune those skills and begin working with younger girls (who, by the way, will look upon you as AMAZING!). Start your path to becoming a camp counselor today.

Leadership 101

Tent Accommodations

6 Days | $495

Ready to start learning leadership skills and work with younger campers? This six-day program is perfect for older girls who are thinking about transitioning from camper to Counselor in Training. You'll learn how to facilitate songs and games, plan and lead art activities, and comfort younger campers who miss home. You'll even get to work as a group to plan this weeks All Camp Activity! Girls in this program will still participate in one classic camp activity per day.

Camp Merrie Woode

Entering Grades 8th - 10th

Camp Linden

Entering Grades 8th - 10th

Counselor in Training

1 (CIT 1)

Tent Accommodations | 13 Days | $495

The CIT program provides a hands-on learning experience that puts you on the path to becoming a fabulous camp counselor! Youll be trained by seasoned camp staff on topics such as age characteristics, outdoor skills, songs, and games. In addition to sharing their individual talents with others, CITs will learn how to plan and facilitate programming, effective teaching techniques, and get experience being a leader in a fun, girl-led environment! After you have successfully completed your CIT 1, youll be ready to take on CIT 2.

Camp Merrie Wodde

Entering Grade 10th - 12th

Camp Linden

Entering Grade 11th - 12th

Counselor in Training

2 (CIT 2)

Tent Accommodations | 13 Days | $495

You're invited back to camp to learn about all the different activity area positions we have available. You'll get the opportunity to shadow staff at the waterfront, the horse barn, climbing wall, and archery range to learn their role in the camp experience. Once your training is complete, you can apply to return to camp and volunteer as a Junior Counselor where you'll work alongside counselors in the unit. This program includes  Archery Training and Slingshot Range Training.

Camp Merrie Woode

Entering Grades 11th - 12th

Camp Linden

Entering Grades 11th - 12th

Junior Counselor

Camp Linden

Entering Grades 11th - 12th

Length of stay, dates, and accommodation depends on the chosen program.

Now that you've completed both CIT 1 & 2, its time to practice your skills! This hands-on experience provides participants with a pathway to becoming amazing camp staff. You will have the option of helping in a unit or in an activity area such as horses or high adventure. You can choose when in the summer you would like to volunteer, so program dates may vary. We do ask that every Junior Counselor completes our training week. You are required to have completed both CIT I and CIT II at a GSHOM camp to be eligible for the Junior Counselor program.